
MA I437599 TePapa Plate-K-The-butterflies full

Image of Erechthias


Drawing by George Hudson. Plate K. The butterflies and moths of New Zealand. Fig 1. Neuration of fore-wing of Zelleria copidota now known as Kessleria copidota. (Imago, Plate XXXV., fig. 11.) Fig 2. Neuration of hind-wing of Zelleria copidota now known as Kessleria copidota. Fig 3. Head of Zelleria copidota now known as Kessleria copidota. Fig 4. Neuration of fore-wing of Erechthias externella. (Imago, Plate XXXVI., fig. 13.) Fig 5. Neuration of hind-wing of Erechthias externella. Fig 6. Head of Erechthias externella. Fig 7. Neuration of fore-wing of Hectacma chasmatias now known as Erechthias chasmatias Meyrick, 1880. (Imago, Plate XXXVI., fig. 17.) Fig 8. Neuration of hind-wing of Hectacma chasmatias now known as Erechthias chasmatias Meyrick, 1880. Fig 9. Head of Hectacma chasmatias now known as Erechthias chasmatias Meyrick, 1880. Fig 10. Neuration of fore-wing of Amphixystis hapsimacha. (Imago, Plate XXXVI., figs. 24-25.) Fig 11. Neuration of hind-wing of Amphixystis hapsimacha. Fig 12. Head of Amphixystis hapsimacha. Fig 13. Neuration of fore-wing of Endophthora omogramma. (Imago, Plate XXXVI., fig. 23.) Fig 14. Neuration of hind-wing of Endophthora omogramma. Fig 15. Head of Endophthora omogramma. Fig 16. Neuration of fore-wing of Sagephora phortegella. (Imago, Plate XXXVII., figs. 20-21.) Fig 17. Neuration of hind-wing of Sagephora phortegella. Fig 18. Head of Sagephora phortegella. Fig 19. Neuration of fore-wing of Archyala terranea. (Imago, Plate XXXVII.. fig. 5.) Fig 20. Neuration of hind-wing of Archyala terranea. Fig 21. Head of Archyala terranea. Fig 22. Neuration of fore-wing of Eschatotypa derogatella. (Imago, Plate XXXVII., fig. 1.) Fig 23. Neuration of hind-wing of Eschatotypa derogatella. Fig 24. Head of Eschatotypa derogatella. Fig 25. Neuration of fore-wing of Dryadaula myrrhina. (Imago, Plate XXXVII., fig. 19.) *Fig 26. Neuration of hind-wing of Dryadaula myrrhina. Fig 27. Head of Dryadaula myrrhina. Fig 28. Neuration of fore-wing of Scoriodyta conisalia. (Imago, Plate XXXVII., fig. 11.) *Fig 29. Neuration of hind-wing of Scoriodyta conisalia. Fig 30. Head of Scoriodyta conisalia. Fig 31. Neuration of fore-wing of Lysiphragma epicyla. (Imago, Plate XXXIX., fig. 10.) *Fig 32. Neuration of hind-wing of Lysiphragma epicyla. Fig 33. Head of Lysiphragma epicyla. Fig 34. Neuration of fore-wing of Mallobathra homalopa. (Imago, Plate XXXIX., fig. 12.) *Fig 35. Neuration of hind-wing of Mallobathra homalopa. Fig 36. Head of Mallobathra homalopa.

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