

Image of SAR (Stramenopiles, Alveolates, Rhizaria)


Micrographs of vegetative cells of Heterocapsa minima HMMJ1604 taken by scanning electron microscopy. (A) Ventral view showing the epitheca, cingulum (c), sulcus (as, las, rs, lps, and ps), and hypotheca. (B) Ventral-left lateral view showing the epitheca, cingulum (c), sulcus (as, las, lps, and ps), and hypotheca. (C) Dorsal view showing the epitheca, cingulum (c), and hypotheca. (D) Ventral-right lateral view showing the epitheca, cingulum (c), sulcus (as, rs, lps, and ps), and hypotheca. (E) Enlarged from (A) showing detailed view of sulcus (as, las, rs, lps, and ps). (F) Apical pore complex (Po, cp, ?, x) and thecal pores arranged in the Po plate. (G) Apical view showing the apical pore complex (Po, cp, ?, x), epitheca and sulcus (as). (H) Antapical view showing the hypotheca, and sulcus (ps). as, anterior sulcal; las, left anterior sulcal; rs, right sulcal; lps, left posterior sulcal; ps, posterior sulcal; Po, apical pore plate; cp, cover plate; x, canal plate; ?, the extra structure acting as a hinge or connection. Scale bars represent: A–H, 1 μm.

Source Information

Sung Yeon Lee, Hae Jin Jeong, Ji Eun Kwon, Ji Hyun You, So Jin Kim, Jin Hee Ok, Hee Chang Kang, Jae Yeon Park
Sung Yeon Lee, Hae Jin Jeong, Ji Eun Kwon, Ji Hyun You, So Jin Kim, Jin Hee Ok, Hee Chang Kang, Jae Yeon Park
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