
Vostok AKK wind-shorn Pisonia

Image of Caryophyllales


Summary[edit] Description: English: Strong winds have pruned and shaped these Pisonia trees (Pisonia grandis) on Vostok Island, Line Islands, Kiribati. Original field note: Vostok and Ducie Atoll are the only two islands in the world which have only 1 tree species!Русский: Поросль пизонии (Pisonia grandis) на атолле Восток формируется под воздействием сильных ветров. Date: not specified. Source: http://www.pbif.org/WebGallery/Default.aspx?directory=2193&action=View&storedaction=SearchFiles&sortorder=Ascending&dirsortorder=Ascending&file=1367&page=30&search=vostok. Author: Angela K. Kepler.

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