
Genera avium plate 1905

Image of Manacus Brisson 1760


Summary[edit] Description: English: 1 - Chiromachaeris manacus purus = Manacus manacus ssp. purus 2 - Corapipo leucorrhoa ssp. altera 3 - Scotothorus chrysocephalus = Neopelma chrysocephalum 4 - Chloropipo flavicapilla (or Xenopipo flavicapilla) 5 (biggest) - Sapayoa aenigma 6 - Heterocercus flavivertex 7 - Scotothorus unicolor = Chloropipo unicolor female (?) 8 - foot of 4 9 - Neopelma aurifrons 10 - Laniisoma squamatum - Laniisoma elegans(?). Date: 16 November 2015. Source: Genera avium Plate 1 https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/36872087#page/193/mode/1up. Author: of book: Wytsman, P. (Philogène) 1866-19 /// of plate: John Gerrard Keulemans (1842–1912).

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