
Aloe vera (Asphodelaceae)

Image of Monocots


::Location: Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Plant information
Aloe vera is a shrubby or arborescen, evergreen perennial succulent species native to the Arabian Peninsula. Aloe vera grows in tropical and subtropical climates around the world and is commonly grown for agricultural and medicinal purposes.
Also known as:
True aloe * Chinese aloe * Barbados aloe (Aloe barbadensis miller) * Wand of heaven * Mediterranean aloe * Burn aloe
Binomial name: Aloe vera
Name Story
• Its Latin name, Aloe vera, is most commonly used, where aloe stems from the word "alloeh" in Arabic, meaning shining and bitter, just like its pulp. It tastes bitter even with its crystal-clear appearance.
• The "true" in true aloe is not used to identify the authenticity of aloe. Instead, it is derived from its scientific nomenclature where its species epithet, Vera, means "true" or "genuine".
• The "'Barbados aloe, Chinese aloe, Mediterranean aloe"'. You may be wondering about the origin of the plant when you realize that "aloe vera" is called differently by geographic location. In fact, it did not come from "Barbados, China, and even the Mediterranean." It actually comes from the Arabian Peninsula, but no one calls it Arabian Aloe..
Clean and self-love, undisturbed
When you hear of Aloe vera, you think of gel, facial masks and maybe even aloe yogurt. It is widely used in our daily lives. However, never eat it raw, since it contains aloin, which can cause diarrhea.
Plant Type::::::::::::* Succulent
Lifespan.::::::::::::::* Perennial
Bloom Time ::::::::* Summer
Flower Color :::::::* Yellow, Green, Orange
Leaf Color::::::::::::* Green Scientific classifications
Genus:::::::* 'Aloe
Family::::::* Asphodelaceae (Liliaceae)
Order:::::::* Asparagales - Asparagus and allies, Agaves, orchids, irises, and allies
Class.:::::::* LIliopsida - Monocotyledons, Monocots
Phylum::::* Tracheophyta - Vascular plants, Seed plants, Ferns, Tracheophytes
'Condition Requirement: Soil
Sand,loam; well-drained, slightly acidic, neutral, slightly alkaline
Condition Requirement: Sunlight
Full sun to partial shade
Care Guide: Water
Drought-tolerant. Watering should be done each week or when the top 3 cm of soil has dried out. Water thoroughly until the soil is saturated and excess water is fully drained from the drain hole. Fertilization e.
Pests and Diseases
Fungal diseases, Scale insects, flour bugsl
Planting time
Spring, Summer

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