
Image of Macromia annulata Hagen 1861

Image of Macromia annulata Hagen 1861


There is a cool story that goes with this observation. Somehow I managed to not save it earlier, so here goes again... While walking back along this pond after getting coffee, a male Common Green Darner went zooming by and seemed to be trying to mate with what I assumed (in the glare off the water) to be a female of the same species. After a few seconds, the other dragonfly fell about 3' out of the air and dropped onto the water surface. After a closer glance, it was obvious that it was not a female Common Green Darner! Moments later, a huge Dragonhunter came zooming straight through the scene and nearly snagged the Common Green Darner before both headed off into the trees! What had initially appeared to be a mating encounter must have been more aggressive. I quickly took off my shoes and socks, rolled up my pants, and waded into the pond to get the fallen dragonfly before a bass or other fish ate it and I would lose an iNat observation. :-) The photos here are after capturing it. It appeared to be uninjured, and I released it on a cypress branch afterwards where it hung out trying to dry off until sometime after I left. Its a Dragon-Eat-Dragon world out there!

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