
Image of Three-banded Grasshopper

Image of Three-banded Grasshopper


"18 July 2015: Observed a Three-banded Grasshopper (Hadrotettix trifasciatus) near the parking lot to the Marsh Boardwalk at the Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge, Fort Worth, Texas. The Web site “Grasshoppers of the Western U.S.” provides a range map for this species and it is evident that this is a thoroughly North American species since most of its range occurs in the central western states of the United States and to a far lesser extent reaches into the southcentral provinces of Canada bordering with Montana and North Dakota. Similarly, in the case of its southernmost range (per the range map provided) this species extends into Sonora, Chihuahua and Coahuila which border with Arizona, New Mexico and Texas respectively. According to the “Grasshoppers of the Western U.S.”: “The threebanded grasshopper ranges widely in the grasslands of the [U.S.] West. It is a common species of the shortgrass, desert, and mixedgrass prairies. It is less abundant in other prairies and is rare in grass-shrub communities of the intermountain basins. In the tallgrass prairie it occupies areas of sparse vegetation on gravelly hilltops and slopes.” To access the Web site ""Grasshoppers of the Western U.S."" go to: http://idtools.org/id/grasshoppers/factsheet.php?name=13176 Three-banded Grasshopper (Hadrotettix trifasciatus) is an authentic North American species because it occurs in the Unites States, Mexico and Canada though most of its range is found within the continental United States."

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Roberto R. Calderón
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