
Image of European Pond Turtle

Image of European Pond Turtle


The word chelonian is popular among veterinarians, scientists, and conservationists working with these animals as a catch-all name for any member of the superorder Chelonia, which includes all turtles living and extinct, as well as their immediate ancestors. The meaning of the word turtle differs from region to region. In North America, all chelonians are commonly called turtles, including terrapins and tortoises. In Great Britain, the word turtle is used for sea-dwelling species, but not for tortoises. European pond turtle is a long-living freshwater species. This turtle moves on land not as fast as in the water, but more agile than land-dwelling, non-swimming chelonian. This is a cautious animal: in danger it is lurking in the water quickly and buries itself in the mud near the shore. In the autumn, in October, European pond turtles hibernate, waiting for the winter at the bottom of reservoirs. Эти черепахи передвигаются по суше не так быстро, как в воде, но проворнее сухопутных черепах. Осторожное животное: при опасности быстро скрываются в воде и зарываются в ил у берега. Осенью, в октябре, болотные черепахи впадают в спячку, пережидая зиму на дне водоемов.

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