

Image of cup lichen


Cladonia pocillum (Ach.) O.J. Rich., syn.: Baeomyces pocillum Ach., Baeomyces pyxidatus var. pocillum (Ach.), Capitularia pocillum (Ach.) Wahlenb., Cenomyce neglecta var. pocillum (Ach.) W. Mann, Cenomyce pocillum (Ach.) Ach., Cladonia pyxidata subsp. pocillum (Ach.) E. Dahl. EN: Cup Lichen, DE: Warzige-Trompetenflechte, Rosettige Kalk-Becherflechte, Warzige-KeulenflechteSlo.: no nameDat.: Nov. 22. 2021Lat.: 46.35876 Long.: 13.704054Code: Bot_1419/2021_DSC09414Habitat: mountain slope above road side, southeast aspect; partly overgrown, calcareous, sandy ground; open, partly sunny, dry place; average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 6-8 deg C, elevations 545 m (1.790 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. Substratum: sandy soil.Place: Lower Trenta valley between villages Soa and Trenta, right bank of river Soa, above road side, between Matev's (Trenta 1) and Otokar's farmhouse (Trenta 4), East Julian Alps, Posoje, Slovenia EC Comments (pertain to pictures of Flicker albums: Cladonia pocillum I and Cladonia pocillum II): Cladonia pocillum is one of many species in the genus, which is relatively easy to recognize (at least in moist state) in spite of the fact that it is very similar to much more common Cladonia pyxidata. Cladonia pocillum never forms large cushions. They are usually round or oval and only a few cm in diameter while Cladonia pyxidata may form much larger patches (but not at all always) of any imaginable form. Most distinguishing trait between both is large and vividly green (when moist), almost foliose, overlapping primary squamules, which form a 'rosette' around the colony. The central part of the colony often contrasts with the edges in color and shape. It is usually yellowish or brownish even if moist. Podetia are small, smaller than with typical well developed Cladonia pyxidata but are otherwise almost indistinguishable form podetia of Cladonia pyxidata. In dry state it is more difficult to separate both species. Ref.:(1) V.Wirth, Die Flechten Baden-Wrttembergs, Ulmer, Vol 1., p337(2) I.M. Brodo, S.D. Sharnoff, S.Sharnoff, Lichens of North America, Yale Uni. Press (2001), p 266.(3) F.S. Dobson, Lichens, The Richmonds Publishing Ca.LTD (2005), p 142.(4) C.W.Smith, et all, The lichens of Great Britain and Ireland,The British Lichen Society, (2009), p 333.

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Amadej Trnkoczy
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