» Animals » » Arthropods » Chelicerates » Arachnids » Spiders »

Scaphiella palmillas Platnick & Dupérré 2010


  • plantation
    • URI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_00000117
    • Definition: An intentional planting of a crop, on a large scale, usually for uses other than cereal production or pasture. The term is currently most often used for plantings of trees and shrubs. The term tends also to be used for plantings maintained on economic bases other than that of subsistence farming.
    • Comment: Ontology Description: http://environmentontology.org/ Ontology Source: http://envo.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/src/envo/envo.owl
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  • pasture
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  • mountain
    • URI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_00000081
    • Definition: A landform that extends above the surrounding terrain in a limited area. A mountain is generally steeper than a hill, but there is no universally accepted standard definition for the height of a mountain or a hill although a mountain usually has an identifiable summit and a local relief of more than 300m.
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