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Actinopyga miliaris (Quoy & Gaimard 1834)


provided by World Register of Marine Species
Appearance in life: mid brown surface with crached appearance like dried mud, sole white sharply demarcated from brown dorsal surface (Humphreys, 1981). Also distributed in Australia in Kalk (1958) and Rowe & Gates (1995); Ceylon, Bay of Bengal, East Indies, north Australia, Philippine, China, south Japan and South Pacific Is. (Clark & Rowe, 1971).; India (Sastry, 1996). General distribution: Tropical Indo-Pacific in Kalk (1958); tropical Inso-west Pacific Ocean, depth range 0-20 m. (Rowe & Gates, 1995). Ecology: benthic, inshore, detritus feeder, deposit feeder (Rowe & Gates, 1995). Habitat: shallow waters; reef flats of fringing and lagoon-islet reefs, seagrass veds and rubble reef flats (Conand, 1998).


Pearson, J. (1914). Notes on the Holothurioidea of the Indian Ocean. II. The sub-genera Argiodia and Actinopyga. Spolia Zeylan. 9 (35): 173-190.

WoRMS Editorial Board
bibliographic citation
Pearson, J. (1914). Notes on the Holothurioidea of the Indian Ocean. II. The sub-genera Argiodia and Actinopyga. Spolia Zeylan. 9 (35): 173-190. Pearson, J. (1914). Notes on the Holothurioidea of the Indian Ocean. II. The sub-genera Argiodia and Actinopyga. Spolia Zeylan. 9 (35): 173-190.
Edward Vanden Berghe [email]