Image of Ethmia stephenrumseyi Phillips 2014

Ethmia stephenrumseyi Phillips 2014


provided by Zookeys
Male: FW length 12.1–15.8 mm (n = 3). Head: Labial palpus curved exceeding base of antenna, whitish with brownish markings on II and III segment. Antennal scape elongated, 1.2× length of inter-antennal space; proboscis brownish at base, front and crown white. Thorax: White, collar and base of tegula black, two big dark spots adjoining collar extending into scutellum. FW ground color white, black markings well defined: At costal half, an elongated blotch from base to 0.75× extending narrowly into posterior half, this large blotch interrupted by a white patch at 0.25× from base; terminal area with a short oblique band before apex from costa to R2, and a broad oblique irregular band from middle of FW reaching posterior margin. HW ground color whitish becoming dark gray towards apex, a pinch fold between SC and R vein with grayish hair pencil. Abdomen: Dorsal scaling blackish, segments with posterior margin whitish; genital scaling reddish. Genitalia (Fig. 63) with uncus hoodlike, gnathos narrow elongate with apical lateral small spines; valva apex with an apical membranous lobe, a big sclerotized structure at apex; sacculus with a broad finger like projection on posterior margin at 0.7× from base. Female: FW length 13.4–16.3 mm (n = 3). Head and thorax: As described by male except for unmodified HW. Abdomen: Genitalia (Fig. 108) with sterigma wide, sclerotized; antrum sclerotized; signum a large fold, 0.4× diameter of bursae at center, covered by small teeth and a row of long and conical teeth.
Eugenie Phillips-Rodríguez, Jerry A. Powell, Winnie Hallwachs, Daniel H. Janzen
bibliographic citation
Phillips-Rodríguez E, Powell J, Hallwachs W, Janzen D (2014) A synopsis of the genus Ethmia Hübner in Costa Rica: biology, distribution, and description of 22 new species (Lepidoptera, Gelechioidea, Depressariidae, Ethmiinae), with emphasis on the 42 species known from Área de Conservación Guanacaste ZooKeys (461): 1–86
Eugenie Phillips-Rodríguez
Jerry A. Powell
Winnie Hallwachs
Daniel H. Janzen
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