Unresolved name

Makalata rhipidura (Thomas 1928)

    actual evapotranspiration rate in geographic range

  • 1495.68
    (avivore, avivore, mean)
  • body mass

  • 315
    (avivore, average)
  • geographic range (size of area)

  • 26835.71
    (avivore, avivore, avivore)
  • human population density

  • 1
    (avivore, avivore, min)
  • 2.75
    (avivore, avivore, mean)
  • 1
    (avivore, avivore, 5th percentile)
  • human population density change

  • 0.12
    (avivore, avivore, mean)
  • latitude

  • -4.75
    (avivore, avivore, min)
  • -3.89
    (avivore, avivore, median)
  • -3.04
    (avivore, avivore, max)
  • longitude

  • -73.59
    (avivore, avivore, median)
  • -74.59
    (avivore, avivore, min)
  • -72.58
    (avivore, avivore, max)
  • potential evapotranspiration rate in geographic range

  • 1495.68
    (avivore, avivore, mean)
  • precipitation in geographic range

  • 232.38
    (avivore, avivore, mean)
  • primary diet

  • resource not found
    • URI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/PO_0009001
    • Definition: A multi-tissue plant structure (PO:0025496) that develops from a gynoecium (PO:0009062) and may have as parts one or more seeds (PO:0009010)
    • Comment: Ontology Description: http://www.plantontology.org/ Ontology Source: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/po.owl
    show all records
  • resource not found
    • URI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/PO_0009010
    • Definition: multi-tissue plant structures that develop from a plant ovule and have as parts a plant embryo enclosed in a seed coat.
    • Comment: Ontology Description: http://www.plantontology.org/ Ontology Source: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/po.owl
    show all records
  • resource not found
    • URI: http://eol.org/schema/terms/plant
    • Definition: A member of the Green Plants clade, including flowering plants, gymnosperms, ferns, clubmosses, hornworts, liverworts, mosses, charophytes, and chlorophytes. http://eol.org/pages/8654492
    show all records
  • temperature in geographic range

  • 26.562
    (avivore, avivore, mean)
  • trophic guild

  • resource not found