Image of Alloscorpiops troglodytes Lourenço & Pham 2015
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Alloscorpiops troglodytes Lourenço & Pham 2015


provided by Zookeys
The general coloration is yellow to pale yellow. Carapace and tergites yellow. Metasomal segments yellow to pale yellow; telson yellow; base of aculeus yellow and tip slightly reddish. Chelicerae yellow without spots; teeth slightly reddish. Pedipalps yellow; chela fingers slightly red. Legs pale yellow. Venter pale yellow; pectines totally pale, almost white. Morphology. Carapace weakly granular, furrows moderately deep. Median eyes anterior to centre of carapace; three pairs of lateral eyes, the third pair only slightly smaller than the first two. Sternum pentagonal, longer than wide. Tergites weakly granulated, almost smooth; VII with four weakly marked carinae. Pectinal tooth count 9-9; fulcra absent. Sternites smooth and shiny; VII with four vestigial carinae and some punctations. Metasomal segment I wider than long; segment II as long as wide; segments III to V longer than wide; 10-8-8-8-7 carinae present on segments I to V, weakly marked; dorsal carinae on segments I–IV with a single, weakly marked posterior spinoid granule; metasomal tegument very weakly granulated almost smooth; ventral carina on segment V without spinoid granules. Telson vesicle totally smooth. Pedipalps: femur with dorsal internal, dorsal external, ventral internal and ventral external carinae moderately marked; tegument weakly granular. Patella with dorsal internal, ventral internal, dorsal external, ventral external and external carinae moderately marked; two/three inconspicuous spinoid granules present on internal aspect, the interno-ventral being slightly larger than the interno-dorsal granule; tegument weakly granular. Chela with dorsal marginal, external secondary, ventral internal and ventral carinae moderately to strongly marked; other carinae moderately to weakly marked; tegument granulated dorsally and ventrally. Chelal fingers with two longitudinal series of granules, almost fused, and a few inner accessory granules. Chelicerae dentition as in figure 2 (Vachon 1963); five/six teeth on ventro-internal face of movable finger. Trichobothriotaxy type C, as in figures 7–13 (Vachon 1974): see diagnosis. Morphometric values (in mm) of male holotype. Total length (including telson) 20.9. Carapace: length 3.2; anterior width 2.1; posterior width 3.3. Mesosoma length 7.4. Metasomal segment I: length 0.9, width 1.2; II: length 1.1, width 1.1; III: length 1.2, width 1.0; IV: length 1.4, width 0.9; V: length 2.3, width 0.8, depth 0.7. Telson length 2.9. Vesicle: width 0.8, depth 0.8. Pedipalp: femur length 3.1, width 1.2; patella length 2.7, width 1.3; chela length 6.1, width 1.3, depth 1.2; movable finger length 3.1.
Wilson R. Lourenço, Dinh-Sac Pham
bibliographic citation
Lourenço W, Pham D (2015) A remarkable new species of Alloscorpiops Vachon, 1980 from a cave in Vietnam (Scorpiones, Euscorpiidae, Scorpiopinae) ZooKeys (500): 73–82
Wilson R. Lourenço
Dinh-Sac Pham
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