Image of <i>Radfordia mirabilis</i> Bochkov & Abramov
Unresolved name

Radfordia mirabilis Bochkov & Abramov


provided by Zookeys
Female (holotype, 1 paratype). Body 435 long (410), 245 wide (230). Body 1.8 times longer than wide. Setae vi, ve, d1, and d2 10–12 wide at base; si and se2 about 7 wide at base; c1 and c2 about 5 wide at base, e1, e2, and f2 about 3 wide at base. Apices of setae si reaching level of setal bases d1, apices of setae se reaching level of setal bases c2. Approximate distances between bases of setae: vi–vi 25, si–si 22, c1–c1 17, c1–c2 50, d1–d1 15, d2–d2 50, c1–d1 52, d1–d2 17. Setal bases f1 situated close to e2 than to e1, distance e1–f1 about 50, f1–e2 about 13. Setae f2 situated at lateral margins of idiosoma. Lengths of setae: vi 75 (70), ve 90 (93), si 115 (110), se 87 (85), c1 63 (75), c2 125 (115) – all distinctly longitudinally striated; d1 115 (117) and d2 about 125, membranous, without striae, e1 about 27, e2 about 75, f1 about 60, f2 about 15, h1 about 12, h2 310 (315), ps1 and ps2 about 11, ps3 (hook-like) about 15, g1 about 6, g2 about 8, 1a, 2a 25–28, 3a about 80, and 4a about 75, ag1 and ag3 8–11, ag2 about 12. Setae 3a and 4a slightly thickened. Apical segment of leg I without ventral projection. Setation for legs II-IV (solenidia in parentheses): tarsi 7(1)-6-6, tibiae 6-6-6, genua 7 (1)-6-5, femora 5-3-3, trochanters 3-3-3, coxae 4-2-2.
Andre V. Bochkov, Alexei V. Abramov
bibliographic citation
Bochkov A, Abramov A (2014) Acariform mites (Acariformes) - permanent symbionts of Hapalomys delacouri Thomas (Rodentia, Muridae) in Vietnam ZooKeys (459): 137–145
Andre V. Bochkov
Alexei V. Abramov
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