
Scientific Names

Preferred Names

Family recognized by Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2 1
Reference taxon from IOC World Bird List
Species recognized by Protists in Singapore
Recognized by iNaturalist, Saint Kitts and Nevis Species List, US Minor Outlying Islands, US Virgin Islands Species List, Turks and Caicos Islands Species List, Sulu Sea Species List, Timor Sea Species List, United Kingdom Species List, South Atlantic Species List, Gulf of Bothnia Species List, Indian Ocean Species List, Southern Ocean Species List, North Pacific Species List, South Pacific Species List, North Atlantic Species List, North Sea Species List, Celtic Sea Species List, Greenland Sea Species List, Irish Sea Species List, Kattegat Species List, Skagerrak Species List, English Channel Species List, Gulf of Finland Species List, Bristol Channel Species List, Adriatic Sea Species List, Balearic Sea Species List, Strait of Gibraltar Species List, Ionian Sea Species List, Ligurian Sea Species List, Tyrrhenian Sea Species List, Barents Sea Species List, Davis Strait Species List, Hudson Strait Species List, Mozambique Channel Species List, Gulf of Aqaba Species List, Red Sea Species List, Gulf of Oman Species List, Arabian Sea Species List, Laccadive Sea Species List, Malacca Strait Species List, Great Australian Bight Species List, Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland Species, Caribbean Sea Species List, Gulf of Mexico Species List, Bay of Fundy Species List, Gulf of St Lawrence Species List, Labrador Sea Species List, Philippine Sea Species List, Eastern China Sea Species List, Sea of Japan Species List, Gulf of California Species List, Rio de la Plata Species List, South China Sea Species List, Gulf of Thailand Species List, Solomon Sea Species List, Tasman Sea Species List, The Netherlands Species List, Solomon Islands Species List, South Africa Species List, Sudan Species List, Sweden Species List, Turkey Species List, United Arab Emirates Species List, Delete- old US Species List, Vanuatu Species List, Venezuela Species List, Vietnam Species List, Taiwan Species List, New Caledonia Species List, Norfolk Island Species List, Saint Helena Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, Saint Martin Species List, Savu Sea Species List, Northwestern Passages Species List, New Zealand Species List, Nicaragua Species List, Palau Species List, Papua New Guinea Species List, Peru Species List, S o Tom and Pr ncipe Species List, Saudi Arabia Species List, Poland Species List, Portugal Species List, Samoa Species List, Senegal Species List, Seychelles Species List, Saint Lucia Species List, Puerto Rico Species List, Isle of Man Species List, Mariana Islands Species List, Java Sea Species List, Molukka Sea Species List, Ireland Species List, Israel Species List, Italy Species List, Jamaica Species List, Kenya Species List, Kiribati Species List, Madagascar Species List, Malaysia Species List, Maldives Species List, Marshall Islands Species List, Mauritania Species List, Mauritius Species List, Libya Species List, Mexico Species List, Morocco Species List, Mozambique Species List, Mayotte Species List, Guernsey Species List, Guadeloupe Species List, French Polynesia Species List, Guam Species List, Federated States of Micronesia Species List, Faroe Islands Species List, France Species List, Honduras Species List, Guatemala Species List, Finland Species List, Estonia Species List, Fiji Species List, El Salvador Species List, Eritrea Species List, Ecuador Species List, Flores Sea Species List, Halmahera Sea Species List, Germany Species List, Ghana Species List, Haiti Species List, Gulf of Riga Species List, Iceland Species List, Indonesia Species List, Gulf of Guinea Species List, Christmas Island Species List, Cayman Islands Species List, Costa Rica Species List, Barbados Species List, Belize Species List, Belgium Species List, Bermuda Species List, Dominican Republic Species List, Dominica Species List, Cuba Species List, Chile Species List, Colombia Species List, Bismarck Sea Species List, Coral Sea Species List, Bass Strait Species List, Bay of Biscay Species List, Cocos Islands, Bailiwick of Jersey Species List, Anguilla Species List, Angola Species List, Antigua and Barbuda Species List, Aruba Species List, Austria Species List, Bali Sea Species List, Arafura Sea Species List, Banda Sea Species List, Aegean Sea Species List, Australia Species List, IUCN Structured Data, Ceram Sea Species List, Cape Verde Species List, Denmark Species List, Gibraltar Species List, India Species List, Montserrat Species List, Norway Species List, Oman Species List, Saint Barthelemy Species List, Namibia Species List, AnAge, NMNH Birds in DwC A, Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology DwCA, BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK, Wildfinder (WWF), Brazil Species List, Canada Species List, China Species List, Greenland Species List, Japan Species List, Philippines Species List, Russia Species List, Egypt Species List, OBIS environmental data records, Cape Verde Species List, Grenada Species List, Ceram Sea Species List, Dynamic Hierarchy Synonyms, English Vernaculars for Landmark Taxa, Alboran Sea Species List, FAO Fishery Statistics, Furui 2020, Panama Species List, United States Species List, and Flickr Group
Sulidae Reichenbach 1849
Family recognized by TreatmentBank

Alternative Names

? atlanticus Shufeldt, 1915
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
? avitus Wetmore, 1938
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
? humeralis Miller & Bowman, 1958
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
? lompocanus Miller, 1925
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
? loxostylus Cope, 1870
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
? pygmaea Milne-Edwards, 1874
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
? recentior Howard, 1949
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
? rectirostris Mayr, 2002
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
? ronzoni Gervais, 1849
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
? stocktoni Miller, 1935
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
? variegata Tschudi, 1843
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
Dysporus Illiger 1811
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
Eostega Lambrecht 1929
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
Microsula Wetmore 1938
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
Moris Forster 1817
Doubtful according to GBIF classification

Common Names


gannets and boobies preferred
gannets & boobies


أطيش preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


Oluşalar preferred
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Олушавыя preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


Morskoul preferred
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Рибоядови preferred
Recognized by Wikidata

Catalan; Valencian

mascarell preferred
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鲣鸟 preferred
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terejovití preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


Suler preferred
Recognized by Wikidata

Dutch; Flemish

genten preferred


Suledoj preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


Suulat preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


Mascatos preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


რეგვენასებრნი preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


Tölpel preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


סולתיים preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


szulafélék preferred
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Súluætt preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


カツオドリ科 preferred
Recognized by Furui 2020 and Wikidata


가다랭이잡이과 preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


Padūkėliniai preferred
Recognized by Wikidata

Low Saxon

Genten preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


блуни preferred
Recognized by Wikidata

Navajo; Navaho

Taahilnoodii preferred
Recognized by Wikidata

North Frisian

Genten preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


sulefamilien preferred
Sulefamilien preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


بوبیان (تیره) preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


Głuptaki preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


Sulídeos preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


олушевые preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


Блуне preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


Sulovité preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


sulor preferred
Sulor preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


วงศ์นกบูบี preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


Sümsük kuşugiller preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


олушеві preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


Họ Chim điên preferred
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Huganod preferred
Recognized by Wikidata

Western Frisian

Ginten preferred
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鲣鸟 preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


سلیڈا preferred
Recognized by Wikidata

Zh Cn

鲣鸟 preferred
Recognized by Wikidata

Zh Hans

鲣鸟 preferred
Recognized by Wikidata

Zh Hant

鰹鳥 preferred
Recognized by Wikidata

Zh Hk

鰹鳥 preferred
Recognized by Wikidata

Zh Tw

鰹鳥 preferred
Recognized by Wikidata
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