

provided by World Register of Marine Species
Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans, mainly inshore in temperate and tropical seas. Medium to large, heavy-bodied fishes with a lozenge-shaped disc that is much wider than long. Head differentiated from disc and elevated; the mouth is broad, located ventrally, and has plate-like teeth arranged in 1-7 rows. Eyes and spiracles on sides of head. Size of gill openings almost the length of eye. Length of tail much greater than disc. Some with poison spines. Dorsal fin small. Caudal fin lacking. Pectoral fins opposite the eyes very small or absent. Anterior subdivision of pectoral fin fuses below tip of snout giving rise to a subrostral lobe. Some known for their leaping ability high into the air. Viviparous with 2-6 young.
WoRMS Editorial Board
bibliographic citation
MASDEA (1997).
Edward Vanden Berghe [email]