

provided by Zookeys
Body length including forewing 3.28–3.37 mm (male), 3.88 mm (female). Coloration. General color pale yellowish brown. Apex of first antennal segment and base of second, abdomen and pygofer brown, metapleura with large rounded brown spot. Forewing (Fig. 27) hyaline, with brown marking on hind margin near end of clavus, anterior area of Cu, on ends of Sc1, Sc2, wider on R1, narrower on Rs, oblique area along posteroapical area, reaching to end of M1 except for 3 hyaline areas. Head and thorax. Vertex (Fig. 25) wider at base than long submedially about 1.1:1, at apex as wide as at base, basal compartment at base wider than greatest length about 1.8:1. Frons (Fig. 26) in midline longer than wide at widest part about 2.3:1, widest about level of ocelli, lateral carinae nearly straight below ocelli, median carina forked at level of ocelli. Postclypeus (Fig. 26) wider at base than frons at apex, slightly longer than wide at base. Rostrum reaching metacoxae, apical segment shorter than subapical. Antennae (Fig. 26) reaching frontoclypeal suture, basal segment longer than wide about 1.8:1, shorter than second about 1:2.0. Post-tibial spur with about 26 teeth. Male genitalia. Anal segment of male (Figs 28, 29, 32) short, collar-shaped, lateroapical angles each produced into a long spinose process, widely separated each other, directed ventrad. Pygofer in profile (Fig. 29) distinctly longer ventrally than dorsally, in posterior view (Figs 28, 30) with opening longer than wide, lateral margins defined, ventral margin shallowly concave with 3 medioventral processes, in ventral view pointed at same level. Phallus (Figs 32, 33) large, tubular, apex reflected cephalad at right, turned dorsad near apex, with 2 long, stout processes directed basad, one on apical fourth left, another near middle right. Suspensorium (Fig. 34) Y-shaped, arms slightly longer than stem. Diaphragm (Fig. 30) not distinctly membranous, dorsal margin slightly concave. Opening for genital styles small, dorsal and ventral margins evenly convex. Genital styles (Figs 35, 36) moderately long, divergent, apical half slightly twisted, turned caudad apically, inner margin slightly sinuate, outer margin shallowly concave at apical half, outer angle pointed.
Xiao-Hui Hou, Xiang-Sheng Chen
bibliographic citation
Hou X, Chen X (2014) Revision of the planthopper genus Nycheuma Fennah (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Delphacidae) ZooKeys (462): 47–57
Xiao-Hui Hou
Xiang-Sheng Chen
visit source
partner site


provided by Zookeys
China (Guangdong, Hainan, Taiwan).
Xiao-Hui Hou, Xiang-Sheng Chen
bibliographic citation
Hou X, Chen X (2014) Revision of the planthopper genus Nycheuma Fennah (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Delphacidae) ZooKeys (462): 47–57
Xiao-Hui Hou
Xiang-Sheng Chen
visit source
partner site